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According to a survey conducted by social media marketing agency Cone Inc, free products or services, coupons and discounts continue to be the best way to build fans and followers and keep them engaged. Consumers who “Like” or “Follow” an online brand expect to receive promotional incentives, but are also looking for brands to help “solve their problems” as well as acknowledge their important feedback.

What are US Social Media Users Looking for When Engaging with Companies/Brands Online, Sep 2010:


It is also important to consider what Fans and Followers aren’t looking for. When social media users were asked why they stopped following an online brand respondents overwhelming said: The brand sent out too many messages (spammy) and/or acted in an irresponsible manner. The majority of respondents also complained about the content being irrelevant.

Top Reasons Why US Social Media Users Stop Following Companies/Brands Online, Sep 2010:


These findings further confirmed another recent study conducted by DDB Worldwide and Opinionway Research of Facebook brand fans worldwide.


In that study, the top reason for unsubscribing was a ‘lack of’ or ‘loosing interest’ in the brand, followed closely by complaints about being frequently bombarded with information and content. Both studies suggest that having too much content, the wrong kind of content, and communicating too frequently will surely drive consumers away.

While brands who publish too infrequently seem problematic for some fans, it is not necessarily a mitigating factor when fans chose to unsubscribe from a page. With the same token, if efforts are made to improve content and enhance engagement, fans and followers will surely still be there to see it.

It’s a fine line isn’t it?

Thomas DiSanto

Thomas DiSanto is the CEO of Drive Customers, a Rhode Island based Digital Marketing Agency. He has more than 20+ years experience in creating and managing search engine marketing and enterprise level SEO programs. Call (855) 540-3300 today to learn why so many companies trust him.