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Kudos to Buddy Media for their insightful new report based on analysis conducted among a sample size of 200 clients who are using the Buddy Media Platform to post on Facebook. The analysis represents data from some of the worlds largest brands crossing many industries including entertainment, media, retail, automotive, business & finance, fashion, sports, travel & hospitality, food & beverage, and health-care & beauty.

Here are a few crucial findings:

  • Posts 80 characters or less in length have 27% higher engagement rates;
  • Engagement rates are 3 times higher for posts that used a ‘full length’ URL;
  • Brands that posted outside of business hours had 20% higher engagement rates;
  • Engagement rates on Thursday and Friday are 18% higher than any other day of the week;
  • Posts that end with a question have a 15% higher engagement rate;

Don’t ask “why”! “Why” questions had the lowest number of ‘Likes’ and ‘Comments’ as they are perceived as intrusive and challenging. The 5 interrogative keywords that drove the highest engagement were: “Where”, “When”, “Would”, “Should”, and “How”.

Fans follow simple instructions well; asking them to ‘Like’ a post is the easiest. If you want users to take action, you must tell them. Asking fans outright to “Like”, “Post”, “Take”, “Submit” or “Watch” something will drive the greatest level of engagement. Fans will listen and respond.

Fans are happy to engage with “Events” and “Winning” offers. Stick with this type of ‘softer’ language, as opposed to more direct language such as “contest” or “promotion”. The 5 best performing keywords for consumer engagement were: “Event”, “Winner”, “Offer”, “New”, and “Win”. Keywords such as ‘save’, ‘free shipping’ and ‘exclusive’ scored the absolute lowest.

See the Full Report Below: – Effective Facebook Wall Posts

Thomas DiSanto

Thomas DiSanto is the CEO of Drive Customers, a Rhode Island based Digital Marketing Agency. He has more than 20+ years experience in creating and managing search engine marketing and enterprise level SEO programs. Call (855) 540-3300 today to learn why so many companies trust him.